Secret Sister Society
  Home Page | Boomerang Humor Principle | New and FREE | Contact ME | Favorite Links | Craft and Gift Ideas | Printables and More  

The Secret Sister Society is a Newsletter based forum for women of all ages, races, backgrounds, or marital status. We will provide humor, stress reduction tips, craft ideas, easy/inexpensive gifts to make and give, recipes for meals on the fly, business opportunities for stay-at-home work, and you can submit articles, ideas, helpful hints, or offer questions and suggestions in the forum.
It is completely FREE, and will always be.
Site Navigation
The navigation links at the top will take you to the following areas:

Articles: Weekly articles submitted by YOU! Humorous anticdotes and helpful tips.

Craft/Gift Ideas: A craft idea of the month, with emphasis on easy to make and inexpensive gifts.

Forum: Submit your questions, and I will post them here, or you can offer suggestions for questions that have been posted.

FREE Stuff: Resources for at-home business opportunities, free sample sites, free products, anything FREE will be posted on this page.
What You Can Expect
If you would like to be a mentor or a friend to a "Secret Sister", just send me your email address, and I will send you an email address of someone for you to encourage or just offer your friendship to.

If you would like to have "Secret Sister" to encourage you, or you need someone to talk to, and don't feel comfortable "face to face", then let me know that too, and I will give your email address to a "Special Sis" to chat with you.
Want to post to the Discussion and Chat Room? Click on the link:

Let's Talk!

Yes!! I want to participate in the Secret Sis Newsletter...
The Newsletter is FREE and everyone is welcome to participate. All that I ask is that you have a desire to be a friend, or that you would like to make a NEW friend.
Please leave your email address to be added to the FASTEST GROWING group on the net :-)

Fill out your email address
to receive our newsletter!
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If you would like to post a question, or submit something to the Discussion and Chat Room, please click on the link:

Let's Talk!

Here are some interesting sites for WOMEN :

Contact me/submit articles, questions, or suggestions, click here.

Copyright 2002- Secret Sister Society11229